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Nils Loose nils-loose
Security researcher and PhD student at the Institute for IT Security, University of Luebeck, with a focus on code analysis and machine learning.

@UzL-ITS Germany

Steve Henderson stevehenderson
Living the dream New York, USA

Vaibhav Tanwar Vaibtan
@iiitd majoring in Computer Science and Applied Mathematics

New Delhi, India

Annalea L TheWitchySarz
Versatile IT Leader | Cybersecurity Strategist | DevSecOps Advocate | Tech Innovator & Problem Solver


Willie Lin willie-lin
Cloud Native Platform Engineer. Interested in Kubernetes and Security Engineer, DevSecOps.@ossdao-org•AIRDROP-0x7bC1899871E12fa89df9E2f9c271957BDcaD5D0B
Adrián Bíro adrianbiro
Manager and Platform/Staff Engineer in Cybersecurity
Zafer Balkan zbalkan
IT Pro, Cybersecurity guy

Tallinn, Estonia

Daniel Wilson Danw33
Infosec Aspirant, Full-Stack Code Monkey, Binary Plumber, Hobbyist Pixie Wrangler & More! He/Him PGP -

@GambitNash Birmingham, United Kingdom

pg2000 PG2000

@hdisysteme PID 1

Ardian Septa Nugraha ardiansn
Cyber Sec in Telco industry

Telkomsel Jakarta, Indonesia

I use Arch BTW !

The Matrix

Dominik Lohmann dominiklohmann
Pioneering security data pipelines.

@tenzir Hamburg, Germany

Matthias Vallentin mavam

Tenzir Hamburg, Germany