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Just trying to enrich lives through Source linguistics..
Kayden T kayden1940
Dev building stuff.
蔡舒起 StevenJokess
ASB AI Principal Idiot. Research and code for International Communist. Real AI will give itself the power to judge world, consider human ignorance

FUCKING Money&Job hunting, 失业要饭QQ群:171097552

天行侠 tianxingxia-cn

cdbs china chengdu

Hertz isLinXu
world is large model.


Víctor Gallego vicgalle
Research Scientist

Komorebi AI & ICMAT-CSIC Madrid

🎧 Keep passion for all research. I'm always open to collaborate on interesting works!

Shenzhen, China

Xinlu Lai CrazyBoyM
INTP,现创业中,奇绩孵化器投资,shareAI Lab开源组织 Founder,B站up“飞鸟白菜”,关注多模态理解与生成、决策智能,没事写点开源repo。 感兴趣可以联系交个朋友一起讨论技术和哲学!微信:DreamLinus

[email protected]

CanHua hchhtc123

South China Normal University

lismin lixumin-zai
See you on the Equator.
Lin Manhui Bobholamovic

Baidu Shenzhen

GT-Zhang GT-ZhangAcer
前熊厂深度学习劝退师 | Python封装工具 | QQ ID: ZhangAcer | [email protected]


AP-Kai AP-Kai
一个没有什么存在感的小透明 | email: [email protected]