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Releases: openshift/osdctl


25 May 15:46
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18d90f2 Add error message for failure to generate console
bf5c45f Merge pull request #95 from fahlmant/console-error-fix


13 May 22:03
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525671e Add dry-run ability to servicelog posting
0546bf3 Adds georgettica as an approver, reviewer
e31bbea Adds goReleaser for release creation and binary builds
24fe6f9 Fix cli credential generation for CCS clsuters
912a46a Merge pull request #81 from georgettica/georgettica/add-list-servicelogs
bdec0a4 Merge pull request #82 from dastergon/osd-7154
d00566f Merge pull request #85 from clcollins/add_georgettica_approver
639bd1d Merge pull request #86 from clcollins/release_pipeline
cccf0e5 Merge pull request #87 from mrbarge/add_dry_run
0b54e60 Merge pull request #88 from openshift/georgettica/make-accountcli-easier
e5bcdc5 Merge pull request #89 from fahlmant/OSD-6574
2ecd53e Update cli.go
a73d99b add support for user impersonation
84931a0 feat(servicelog): list current servicelogs

Release v0.4.1

07 May 09:13
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Release v0.4.1 Pre-release

This is a bug fix release to enable using go get reliably for easier installation.

Release v0.4.0

23 Feb 14:00
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In this release of osdctl we add the ability to post to servicelog through a template file with parameter expansion.


16 Dec 15:13
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osdctl v0.3.0 adds a network pcap function in order to allow SREs to easily obtain a cluster-wide packet capture for a given timeframe.

Release v0.2.0

22 Sep 14:47
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All of the goodness included in v0.1.0, with the following new features:

  • Adds the -C --cluster-id parameter to account cli and account console commands. No need to hunt down what the account ID or account name is, on-call SREs can just pop in the Internal Cluster ID and get a URL/CLI Credentiatls
  • Adds the ability to generate temporary CLI credentials or a console URL for external CCS accounts through the use of a jump-role. You need to make sure you have your prod payer-account AWS credentials set for this to work.
  • Renames check-secrets to verify-secrets and adds handling for CCS specific secrets
  • Refactored rotate-secrets to rotate all secrets associated with provided cluster.
  • Created generate-secret that follows previous logic of rotate-secret, which generates a an AWS Credentials for a specified user.

Release 0.1.0

31 Jul 18:00
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This is our pre-v1.0 release. There's one last feature being added before we call it v1.0, but some existing functionality needs to be released and cannot wait. There should be no breaking changes between now and v1, but we're labeling this 0.1.0 as of right now.