Template for developing wechat in rails.
Process messages with Eric-Guo/wechat
UI library using weui with weui-rails
Pay with jasl/wx_pay
OAuth2 with skinnyworm/omniauth-wechat-oauth2
Service account sponsored by Le Wagon Shanghai
Configure "服务器地址" as
Configure "测试授权目录" as
Create your new project and add this repo as template
mkdir your_app cd your_app git init git remote add template https://github.com/Eric-Guo/wechat-starter.git git fetch template git checkout -b master template/master bundle install rake db:create rake db:migrate
and config following information:wechat_app_id: "AppID" wechat_secret: "AppSecret" wechat_token: "Token" wechat_encoding_aes_key: "EncodingAESKey" wechat_trusted_domain_fullname: "http://your_dev.proxy.qqbrowser.cc" # following is optional if you don't need wechat pay wechat_pay_mch_id: "merchant id" wechat_pay_api_key: "32 bits api key configured in pay.weixin.qq.com" wechat_pay_notify_url: "url to accept pay result notification"
Start server
puma -C config/puma.rb
It depends on Rails.env
to choose the menu from config folder.
For example, if Rails.env == production
, then config/menu_production.yaml
is chosed.
# create menu
rake wechat:menu_create
# show menu
rake wechat:menu
- rails authentication system
- wechat omniauth only login
- requires phone and email to login the system
- phone confirmation service using yunpian
- I18n internationalization (default locale is zh-CN)
- rpsec test and simplecov test coverage (97.2% LOC covered)