This Open Source repo presents a collection of 5G sparse multipath channel simulation, estimation and location signal processing tools in Python. CASTRO-5G is a repository started as a means to publish the software results of the research project Communications And Spatial Tracking RatiO (CASTRO) funded by Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) - Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2021 PID2021-122483OA-I00. The project is part of the AtlanTTic research center at University of Vigo.
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- Version 0.0.1 - initialized a private github repo with gomezcuba's draft code, which was still very deficient
- Version 0.0.2 - gonzaFero finished his TFG, upgrading and creating its tutorials
- Version 0.1.0 - gomezcuba prepared the repo for going public,
- Version 0.1.1 - iagoalvarez finished his TFG, upgrading and creating its test files
- Version 0.1.2 - gts-99 finished his TFG, upgrading the to simulate a multi-user system with link adaptation
- Version 0.2.0 - gomezcuba refactored the code to return values as Pandas Dataframes and support clusters with variable number of subpaths and prepared the new release version
- Version 0.2.1 - uxxiat finished her TFG, upgrading the to simulate first-order reflections in ISAC scenarios
- Version 0.2.2 - anavidgar finished her TFG, upgrading the to implement the 3GPP standard spatial consistency model and mobility support
- Version 0.3.0 - gomezcuba prepared the new functionalities for relase and refactored the codebase into several folders. Now the main functionalities of the CASTRO-5G repo form a common python package
- Felipe Gomez Cuba - Initial work and and release integration - gomezcuba - website
- Gonzalo Feijoo Rodriguez (TFG) - Multipath Location module v2 and tutorials - gonzaFero
- Iago Alvarez Ramos (TFG) - 3GPP Channel Generator module v2 and example files - iagoalvarez
- Guillermo Tomás Sancho Camacho(TFG) - Multi-user Link Adaptation simulations - gts-99
- Uxía Tarrío Pinazas (TFG) - 3GPP Channel Generator extension for ray-tracing - uxxiat
- Ana María Vidal García (TFG) - 3GPP Channel Generator extension for spatial consistency - anavidgar
See also the list of contributors actively submitting to this project.
To get a copy of the code up and running on a local folder follow the steps below. See the Deployment section for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Our project aims to maintain a reduced number of dependencies. On a standard python3 install, you would only need to intall the following libraries according to your preferred installation method.
You may simply download the code into a folder or clone the repo
git clone
You can test the location module by running the simulation
the expected result is that this script should run without warnings, print several debug lines, and generate several .eps results files in the working folder.
You can test the channel generator by running the script
the expected result is that this script should run without warnings.
You can test the link adaptation model by running the script
the expected result is that this script should run without warnings, simulate a multi-user mmWave network, and display several plots with the time-varying throughput of the devices.
Drafts contains independen tests with the intent of rapid testing of mathematical expressions before they are embedded in the project
Examples contains python scripts that demonstrate the characteristics of the simulator
Tutorials contains Jupyter notebooks that both demonstrate the simulator and teach its inner logic and theory
Simulations contains python script for large scale simulation of specific problems
CASTRO-5G is the main python package developed by this project. Its intended use is to provide multiple libraries imported such as
from CASTRO5G import *
The aim the repo CASTRO-5G is the simulation of the interplays between location and communications in multipath channels. For this, there are four high level functionalities that must be implemented
- Modeling the devide locations
- Generation of multipath channel parameters
- Simulation of a Discrete Equivalent Channel
- Estimation of the location
In the location estimation problem, the four functionalities are connected in an open loop (locations are inputs to the channel generator, and so on...). The Link Adaptation model takes the opposite approach: achievable rate vs outage is simultated in a multi-user mmwave network, where channel prediction based on the inter-user separation is exploited for channel estimation. Currently these two research experiments are conducted with a simplified multipath generator, whereas the 3GPP generator is under active development and will replace the placeholder in a future release.
The current release does not provide advanced location models. Static user locations may be selected by the simulation scripts. For example, a fixed topology may be used to test algorithms, or random user locations may be used in monte-carlo simulations. Mobility is not currently supported.
Simulation should use a DEC according to the multipath data, possibly featuring a channel estimation. The current version of the code provides a draft implementation of the OMPBR Compressed Sensing algorithm for a single-user Hybrid BeamForming (HBF) MIMO OFDM channel. Auxiliar classes are provided for the generation of the DEC channel impulse response, the antenna array responses, and the generation of HBF MIMO pilots. Additional CS channel estimation algorithm and general code improvements are in active development.
import multipathChannel
hk=np.fft.fft(ht.transpose([2,0,1]),Kfft,axis=0) %this reshape will be avoided in future updates
import MIMOPilotChannel
pilgen = pil.MIMOPilotChannel("UPhase")
import OMPCachedRunner
omprunner = OMPCachedRunner.OMPCachedRunner()
estimation = omprunner.OMPBR(y,xi,cacheID,txPilot,rxPilot,delayOversampling,aodOversampling,aoaOversampling,brOversampling)
The location of the receiver, relative to the transmitter position, is computed from the multipath information (exact or estimated). It must be noted that the "proper" 3GPP channel model does not produce multipath results according to the assumptions of the location algorithm. An adaptation is in active development. The current release provides an implementation of the location algorithm we designed in the WCNC paper
import MultipathLocationEstimator
estimatedLocationData = loc.computeAllLocationsFromPaths(AoDs, AoAs, dels)
The current version of the code implements the 3GPP channel model for all scenarios without spatial consistency. Support for spatial consistency is currently under development. Extensions to generatre first-order reflections for location algorithms compatible with ray-tracing are under development.
import threeGPPMultipathGenerator as mpg
model = mpg.ThreeGPPMultipathChannelModel(scenario="UMi")
plinfo,macro,clusters,subpaths = model.create_channel((0,0,10),(40,0,1.5))
0 0.000000e+00 0.764448 180.000000 0.000000 -101.996899 281.907603
1 2.759884e-08 0.073687 83.024832 -25.268220 -94.168405 286.172831
2 3.572653e-08 0.020868 299.926267 -26.299873 -90.562823 288.074835
3 4.101559e-08 0.056501 87.875174 -16.139711 -110.023784 286.312376
4 1.019774e-07 0.005411 44.749012 -49.485415 -86.689676 274.191374
5 1.334950e-07 0.035079 71.443084 -41.279409 -91.396195 287.409881
6 1.467797e-07 0.022468 61.589224 55.494319 -114.064164 275.676571
7 1.649681e-07 0.011642 53.728117 58.258044 -88.938730 288.495474
8 2.860136e-07 0.005345 34.508513 64.938880 -118.197354 290.877719
9 3.924972e-07 0.004089 40.990608 -46.222464 -84.761340 291.190684
- Main channel generator library
- Propagation condition examples 1 2 3
- Multipath channel impulse response examples 1 2 3 4 5 6
- Statistical validation 1
The following files can be added to your PATH and employed as python libraries or shell commands
- F. Gómez-Cuba, "Compressed Sensing Channel Estimation for OTFS Modulation in Non-Integer Delay-Doppler Domain," 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 2021,
- F. Gómez-Cuba, G. Feijoo-Rodríguez, N. González-Prelcic "Clock and Orientation-Robust Simultaneous Radio Localization and Mapping at Millimeter Wave Bands" Accepted for publication in IEEE WCNC 2023, Glasgow, Scotland.
- Gonzalo Feijoo Rodríguez, "Implementación de un algoritmo de localización de usuarios empleando señales 5G en lenguaje Python"
- Iago Alvarez Ramos, "Implementación de un simulador de canales 5G en lenguaje Python"
- Guillermo Tomás Sancho Camacho, "Implementación de un algoritmo de Adaptación de Enlace / Control de Congestión para comunicaciones multiusuario de máquina a máquina utilizando el lenguaje Python"
- Uxía Tarrío Pinazas, "Implementación dunha extensión de ray-tracing para o modelo de canle 5G en linguaxe Python"
- Ana María Vidal García, "Implementación de un simulador de canal móbil 5G en lenguaje Python"
- The OMPBR Compressed Sensing algorithm was first discussed in: F. Gómez-Cuba and A. J. Goldsmith, "Compressed Sensing Channel Estimation for OFDM With Non-Gaussian Multipath Gains," in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 47-61, Jan. 2020
- The 3GPP channel model is defined in: 3GPP. (2022). 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network; Study on channel model for frequencies from 0.5 to 100 GHz (Release 17). ETSI TR 38.901, 17.0.
This project is licensed under the GPLv3 license - see the LICENSE file for details