DI is a dependency injection library for the Go programming language.
Dependency injection is a form of inversion of control that increases modularity and extensibility in your programs. This library helps you organize responsibilities in your codebase and makes it easy to combine low-level implementations into high-level behavior without boilerplate.
- Intuitive auto wiring
- Interface implementations
- Constructor injection
- Optional injection
- Field injection
- Lazy-loading
- Tagging
- Grouping
- Iteration
- Decoration
- Cleanup
- Container Chaining / Scopes
go get github.com/defval/di
You can use the standard pkg.go.dev and inline code comments. If you are new to auto-wiring libraries such as google/wire or uber-go/dig, start with the tutorial.
package main
import (
func main() {
// create container
c, err := di.New(
di.Provide(NewContext), // provide application context
di.Provide(NewServer), // provide http server
di.Provide(NewServeMux), // provide http serve mux
// controllers as []Controller group
di.Provide(NewOrderController, di.As(new(Controller))),
di.Provide(NewUserController, di.As(new(Controller))),
// handle container errors
if err != nil {
// invoke function
if err := c.Invoke(StartServer); err != nil {
Full code available here.
If you have any questions, feel free to create an issue.