Do this:
import {getElement, update} from '@fusorjs/dom';
const cachedOdd = <span>Odd</span>;
const cachedEven = <span>Even</span>;
let count = 0;
const page = <p>{() => (count % 2 ? cachedOdd : cachedEven)}</p>;
setInterval(() => {
count += 1;
}, 1000);
Instead of doing this:
const page = <p>{() => (count % 2 ? <span>Odd</span> : <span>Even</span>)}</p>;
Because otherwise, <span>Odd</span>
or <span>Even</span>
is recreated each second.
let isVisible = true; // can change
const page = (
(cache = <button>Clear All</button>) =>
() =>
isVisible && cache
Because the variables are defined in the same place.
let isVisible = true; // can change
const page = (
(cache?: Fusion[]) => () =>
isVisible &&
(cache ? : (cache = [<List />, <Panel />]))
First create and cache, then only update.
Do this:
let isVisible = true; // can change
const page = (
(cache = <Heavy />) =>
() =>
isVisible && cache
Instead of doing this:
let isVisible = true; // can change
const page = (
(cache?: Fusion) => () =>
isVisible && (cache ? update(cache) : (cache = <Heavy />))
Because you might not want to update heavy objects as a whole, but control updating inside them.
Do this:
import {getElement, update} from '@fusorjs/dom';
const OddOrEven = ({count = () => 0}) => (
<span>{() => (count() % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even')}</span>
let count = 0;
const page = (
<OddOrEven count={() => count} />
setInterval(() => {
count += 1;
}, 1000);
Instead of doing this:
const OddOrEven = ({count = 0}) => <span>{count % 2 ? 'odd' : 'even'}</span>;
const page = <p>{() => <OddOrEven count={count} />}</p>;
Because otherwise, <span>...</span>
is recreated each second
Do this:
import {update} from '@fusorjs/dom';
const component1 = <div>{() => dynamicValue}</div>;
const component2 = (
Instead of doing this:
Because update(component2)
is need to go through more layers
Do this:
import {getRoute, mountRoute} from '../share/route';
export const RouteLink = (title, route) => (
class={() => (getRoute() === route ? 'selected' : undefined)}
Instead of doing this:
const app = <App getRoute={() => route} />;
onRoute(() => update(app));
Because it is better to update only required parts of the DOM instaed of updating the whole application DOM tree
See TodoMvc application