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V-crypto 🔑

V-crypto has no connection to the official V community and is not maintained by it.
→ It is not recommended to use the algorithms implemented here productively until the status is implemented. As a non-cryptographer, I cannot fully validate the security.

Contributions welcome!

V-crypto provides...

  • a detailed overview of important cryptographic algorithms, protocols and formats,
  • the current implementation status of the official V community.
  • less known but relevant as well as self-developed official algorithms that might be published here.

Cryptographic algorithms and protocols available in V standard library

algorithm category, info importance status
AES symmetric block cipher high, daily use implemented ✔️ [Git]
bcrypt hash-algorithm high implemented ✔️ [Git]
blake2(b,s) hash-algorithm moderate implemented ✔️ [Git] [Git]
blake3 hash-algorithm moderate implemented ✔️ [Git]
blowfish legacy symmetric block cipher moderate implemented ✔️ [Git]
blockcipher modesCBC, CFB, CTR, OFB Cipher-Block-Chaining, Cipher-Feedback, Counter, Output-Feedback high implemented ✔️ [Git]
(3)DES legacy symmetric block cipher low implemented ✔️ [Git]
ECDSA signature algorithm based on elliptic curves high, daily use OpenSSL C Wrapper 🟡 [Git]
Ed25519 signature algorithm based on elliptic curves high implemented ✔️ [Git]
HMAC hash-based message authentication code high implemented ✔️ [Git]
MD5 legacy hash-algorithm high implemented ✔️ [Git]
PBKDF2 key derivation function high implemented ✔️ [Git]
PEM encoding format high implemented ✔️ [Git]
RAND random number generator high, daily use implemented ✔️ [Git]
RC4 legacy stream cipher low implemented ✔️ [Git]
scrypt hash-algorithm / key derivation function high implemented ✔️ [Git]
SHA1 legacy hash-algorithm moderate implemented ✔️ [Git]
SHA256 hash-algorithm high, daily use implemented ✔️ [Git]
SHA512 hash-algorithm high, daily use implemented ✔️ [Git]
SHA3 hash-algorithm moderate implemented ✔️ [Git]
ChaCha20 symmetric stream cipher high, daily use experimental 🟡 [Git]
ChaCha20-Poly1305 Authenticated encryption with associated data (AEAD) high, daily use experimental 🟡 [Git]
Poly1305 message authentication code moderate experimental 🟡 [Git]
SM4 block cipher moderate experimental 🟡 [Git]

Last Update: 28-09-2024

Cryptographic algorithms and protocols (not officially) planned for V standard library

The V wrapper libsodium [Git] has some of these algorithms.

algorithm category, info importance status
blockcipher modesXTS, CCM, GCM XEX-based tweaked-codebook mode with ciphertext stealing, Counter with CBC-MAC (AEAD), Galois/Counter (AEAD) high
Curve25519 elliptic curve high, daily use thirdparty, non standard ❌ [Git]
DSA legacy signature algorithm low (see [1]) ❌
ECDH asymmetric crypto based on elliptic curves high, daily use (see [1], [2]), thirdparty, non standard ❌ [Git]
HKDF key derivation function moderate thirdparty ❌ [Git]
P-224/256/384/(521) elliptic curves (NIST) high, daily use
secp256k1 elliptic curve moderate thirdparty, non standard ❌ [Git]
RSA asymmetric crypto high, daily use (see [1]), thirdparty, non standard ❌ [Git]
SSH network protocol high, daily use (see [2]) ❌
TLS protocol for secure network communication high, daily use (see [2]), wrapper, thirdparty 🟡 [Git] [Git]
x509 encoding format high wrapper, thirdparty 🟡 [Git]

Last Update: 28-09-2024

Additional cryptographic algorithms implemented/planned in V-crypto (this Repo)

The V wrapper libsodium [Git] has some of these algorithms.

algorithm category, info importance status
argon2 hash-algorithm / key derivation function high
Ascon lightweight AEAD moderate
blockcipher modes → ECB, EAX, IGE, OCB Electronic-Codebook, encrypt-then-authenticate-then-translate, Infinite Garble Extension, Offset codebook mode (AEAD) moderate experimental (only ECB, IGE) 🟡 [Git]
brainpoolP(256,384,521)r1 elliptic curve high
Camellia symmetric block cipher low
CAST symmetric block cipher moderate
Curve448 elliptic curve high
Ed448 signature algorithm based on elliptic curves high
Grain v1 symmetric stream cipher moderate
HC-(128,256) symmetric stream cipher moderate
IDEA symmetric block cipher low
Kyber(512,1024) key encapsulation mechanism, post-quanten crypto low
MD4 legacy hash-algorithm low experimental 🟡 [Git]
RC6 symmetric block cipher low
RIPEMD160 legacy hash-algorithm moderate experimental 🟡 [Git]
(X)Salsa20 symmetric stream cipher high experimental 🟡 [Git]
Serpent symmetric block cipher moderate
TEA, XTEA legacy block cipher low experimental 🟡 [Git] [Git]
Twofisch symmetric block cipher moderate experimental 🟡 [Git]
yescrypt hash-algorithm / key derivation function high

Last Update: 01-07-2024



v install


In general, the functionality is easy to understand based on the tests of the respective algorithm. For larger algorithms, a README file with the most important functions follows.

import v_crypto.md4

fn main(){
    // short way to get MD4 hex hash
    println("`test` hashed with MD4 is: "+md4.hexhash("test"))

    // long way to get bytes array
    mut d :=
    blocksize, bytes_hash := d.checksum('test'.bytes())
    println("input produces a bytes checksum $bytes_hash.hex() with block size: $blocksize")

    d.reset() // with reset, a new empty checksum can be produced
    _, _ := d.checksum('Hi from V_crypto. This is an example of a long long line.'.bytes())

Please report security related issues to: bstnbuck (at) proton (dot) me