My personal GitHub workflows for testing Perl modules. These files go in .github/workflows/ in each repo. Everything is available under the Artistic 2.0 License.
I can trigger or ignore workflows or individual jobs. I'm mostly interested in switching on:
- branch name
- commit message
Other things I'll explore:
- skip or trigger based on files
I'm not so interested in inspecting the environment, but that's not anything particularly special. Checking a context is conceptually the same as checking any other context.
A workflow or a job can run if and only if a condition is true:
Sometimes I have a problem with one platform or part of the system. I want to run some workflows for some situations but not others. Instead of queueing all these builds and hoping the one I want runs soon, I just ignore a lot of them:
- workflow ignores certain branches
- jobs ignore certain branches
- check for flags in the commit message
- Handling Continuous Integration And Delivery With GitHub Actions
- Awesome actions
- perl-github-actions-sample
- Perl meets GitHub Actions
- GitHub Action for Perl Critic
- First steps with Github workflows
- Setup Perl environment
- Perl/docker-perl-tester: Docker images with pre-installed modules for testing
- perl-actions/ci-perl-tester-helpers: Helper scripts for CI