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This is a little experiment related to my latest effort of bringing zxing-cpp to the Rust community.

Looking at for barcode reader software there seem to be mainly 3 projects that are actively maintained:

To run a simple benchmark comparison execute

cargo run --release -- <image-file-name> [--all]

When run for this image without the --all flag to make the runtime comparison fair, this results in the following output on my 4 year old mobile Core i9 CPU:

running rxing...
  itf         : 00123456
  ean 13      : 0012345678905
  codabar     : 012345
  ean 8       : 01234565
  upc e       : 01234565
  ean 13      : 1234567890128
  code 128    : CODE128
  code 39     : CODE39
  code 93     : CODE93
rxing     found   9 codes in 2205ms

running zbar-rust...
  ZBarEAN13   : 0012345000065
  ZBarI25     : 00123456
  ZBarEAN13   : 0012345678905
  ZBarEAN8    : 01234565
  ZBarEAN13   : 1234567890128
  ZBarCodeBar : C012345D
  ZBarCode128 : CODE128
  ZBarCode39  : CODE39
  ZBarCode93  : CODE93
zbar-rust found   9 codes in  125ms

running zxing-cpp...
  ITF         : 00123456
  EAN-13      : 0012345678905
  UPC-E       : 01234565
  EAN-8       : 01234565
  EAN-13      : 1234567890128
  Codabar     : C012345D
  Code128     : CODE128
  Code39      : CODE39
  Code93      : CODE93
zxing-cpp found   9 codes in   65ms

Passing --all to detect all supported formats, the timinings change as follows:

rxing     found   9 codes in 3342ms
zbar-rust found   9 codes in  130ms
zxing-cpp found   9 codes in  107ms

Executing with the 'false positive' test image for the common formats results in:

running rxing...
  upc e       : 19758226
rxing     found   1 codes in  283ms

running zbar-rust...
zbar-rust found   0 codes in   34ms

running zxing-cpp...
zxing-cpp found   0 codes in    9ms

My personal and opinionated conclusion: use zxing-cpp. ;-)