This repo contains code associated with the A-SCoRe paper
To use pnp ransac, you need to build the cython module:
cd ./pnpransac/
python build_ext --inplace
Then create the conda environment using the .yml
config file:
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate ascore
Download the dataset from the project page
mkdir datasets/7scenes
export dataset=datasets/7scenes
for scene in chess fire heads office pumpkin redkitchen stairs; \
do wget$ -P $dataset \
&& unzip $dataset/$ -d $dataset && unzip $dataset/$scene/'*.zip' -d $dataset/$scene; done
mkdir datasets/12scenes
export dataset=datasets/12scenes
for scene in apt1 apt2 office1 office2; \
do wget$ -P $dataset \
&& unzip $dataset/$ -d $dataset;
python lightning/ --model sp_sg_attn \
--dataset 7Scenes \
--scene chess \
--device 0 \
--mode train \
--n_iter 300000 \
--batch_size 8 \
--num_workers 4 \
--aug True \
--data_path /path/to/metadata \
--img_path /path/to/image \
If you find any part of this code useful, please cite:
Thanks to authors of these great opensource projects: Hloc, HSCNet, D2S for their contributions that we take inspiration from.