feat: demand based provision, population as optional column
feat: demand based provision, population as optional column
feat: check rows count in df schema
feat: check rows count in df schema
feat: services annealing optimizer
feat: services annealing optimizer
Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/refactor' into refa…
Merge remote-tracking branch 'refs/remotes/origin/refactor' into refa…
fix: renamed business_area to non_living_area
fix: renamed business_area to non_living_area
feat: services shortage case example
feat: services shortage case example
feat: weights in service centrality
feat: weights in service centrality
feat: _preprocess in df and gdf schemas
feat: _preprocess in df and gdf schemas
feat: intersection util in common
feat: intersection util in common
feat: count added in aggregation
feat: count added in aggregation
fix: buffer_size in relations by default equals 0
fix: buffer_size in relations by default equals 0
refactor: remove preprocessing
refactor: remove preprocessing
feat: geometries from features
feat: geometries from features
feat: spacematrix and development indicators
feat: spacematrix and development indicators
refactor: remove exceed modules
refactor: remove exceed modules
fix: indicators and provision examples
fix: indicators and provision examples
Revert "feat: add async downloading to"
Revert "feat: add async downloading to"
feat: check multi-levels in df validation
feat: check multi-levels in df validation
fix: blocks cutter annotations etc
fix: blocks cutter annotations etc