Snowflake Snowsight Extensions wrap Snowsight features that do not have API or SQL alternatives, such as manipulating Dashboards and Worksheets, and retrieving Query Profile and step timings.
Created and developed by Daniel Odievich, Senior Solution Architect at Snowflake Professional Services. This repo is no longer being maintained. If you would like to maintain this repo, I can have it migrated to your account. Contact [email protected].

âť— | This project is not an officially supported product of Snowflake. Use at your own risk. |
All binaries are located in Releases
NOTE: You can use the Download-SFBinaries file to automate the download and setup of your session like so:
pwsh -File ./Download-SFBinaries.ps1
Install Powershell 7 from Powershell GitHub Releases or Powershell Landing page.
, save and extract the archive.
Open your terminal (Windows Terminal is Recommendated) with Powershell.
Run this command to load Snowflake Powershell module:
PS > Import-Module <path to where you extracted binaries>\SnowflakePS.psd1
âť— | Please note that there is an executable for both ARM and Intel chipsets. SnowflakePS.osx-arm.<version>.zip and SnowflakePS.osx.<version>.zip . Please make sure to download the file related to your chipset |
Download SnowflakePS.osx.<version>.zip
but do not extract the archive yet.
Open your terminal (iTerm2 is recommended) and change working directory to where you saved the file to.
To avoid OS security warnings, run this command in the shell to remove the quarantine attribute:
xattr -d SnowflakePS.*.zip
Now extract the archive.
Start Powershell via pwsh
Run this command to load Snowflake Powershell module:
PS > Import-Module <path to where you extracted binaries>/SnowflakePS.psd1
Download SnowflakePS.linux.<version>.zip
, save and extract the archive.
Open your terminal and start Powershell via pwsh
Run this command to load Snowflake Powershell module:
PS > Import-Module <path to where you extracted binaries>/SnowflakePS.psd1
You can use this module directly in the shell or by scripting in ps1 files.
Get all available commands:
PS > Get-Command -Module SnowflakePS
The output should look like this:
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Cmdlet Connect-SFApp 2022.6.2.0 SnowflakePS
Cmdlet Get-SFDashboards 2022.6.2.0 SnowflakePS
Cmdlet Get-SFFilters 2022.6.2.0 SnowflakePS
Cmdlet Get-SFFolders 2022.6.2.0 SnowflakePS
Cmdlet Get-SFQueryProfile 2022.6.2.0 SnowflakePS
Cmdlet Get-SFWorksheets 2022.6.2.0 SnowflakePS
Cmdlet Invoke-SFDashboard 2022.6.2.0 SnowflakePS
Cmdlet Invoke-SFWorksheet 2022.6.2.0 SnowflakePS
Cmdlet New-SFDashboard 2022.6.2.0 SnowflakePS
Cmdlet New-SFFilter 2022.6.2.0 SnowflakePS
Cmdlet New-SFWorksheet 2022.6.2.0 SnowflakePS
Cmdlet Remove-SFDashboard 2022.6.2.0 SnowflakePS
Cmdlet Remove-SFFilter 2022.6.2.0 SnowflakePS
Cmdlet Remove-SFWorksheet 2022.6.2.0 SnowflakePS
This command authenticates user to Snowsight and returns authentication token that must be passed to the other commands.
The resulting is fairly long-lived and can be saved to file and reused without having to reauthenticate.
PS > Connect-SFApp -?
Connect-SFApp [-Account] <string> [[-MainAppURL] <string>] [-UserName] <string> [-Password] <securestring> [<CommonParameters>]
Connect-SFApp [-Account] <string> [[-MainAppURL] <string>] [-Credential] <pscredential> [<CommonParameters>]
Connect-SFApp [-Account] <string> [[-MainAppURL] <string>] [-UserName] <string> [-SSO] [<CommonParameters>]
You must pass full name of the account from the URL https://<account_name>> as described in Specifying Region Information in Your Account Hostname:
Account URL | Account Name |
---|---| | account | | | | | | |
PrivateLink URLs are supported ONLY if you add
at the end, but may still not work for you if you have network access policies blocking the client IP addresses.
Optional parameter. By default it is, which is a production environment of Snowsight.
Pass a real URL to point at a different endpoint (QA/DEV), if you have access to it.
Username of user to authenticate.
Password of user as secure string.
Username/password combination of user to authenticate as PSCredential.
When specified, browser authentication with SSO provider is used.
You will get prompted for username and password:
PS > $appContext = Connect-SFApp -Account myaccount
cmdlet Connect-SFApp at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
(Type !? for Help.)
UserName: myusername
Password: ************
You will get prompted for username and password:
PS > $appContext = Connect-SFApp -Account account -Credential (Get-Credential)
PowerShell credential request
Enter your credentials.
User: myusername
Password for user myusername: **********
Pass username and password and skip all prompts:
PS > $appContext = Connect-SFApp -Account <account name> -UserName myusername -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString -String "supersecret" -AsPlainText)
Obviously your password is in clear text, so use carefully.
âť— | Please note that using SSO to authenticate will require the use of <account-locator>.<region>.<cloud> if your account does not reside in AWS West (Oregon). For example: |
You must specify same username as the one you will use to authenticate with SSO:
PS > $appContext = Connect-SFApp -Account account -UserName myusername -SSO
Authenticate with credential prompt and store resulting authentication token in $appContext
PS > $appContext = Connect-SFApp -Account <account>
cmdlet Connect-SFApp at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
(Type !? for Help.)
UserName: dodievich
Password: ************
Account in region 'us-west-2' is accessible at '' and served by application server ''
Authenticating user 'dodievich' in account 'account'
Validating master token for user 'dodievich' in account 'account'
Converting redirect token to authentication token for user 'dodievich in account 'account'
Successfully authenticated 'dodievich' (87577248877) in account 'account' (257859291703)
Execution took 00:00:01.9017100 (1901 ms)
View authentication token:
PS > $appContext
AppServerUrl :
AuthTokenSnowsight : user-646f646965766963683a<...>Q==; Path=/; Expires=Tue, 15 Jun 2021 21:04:58 GMT; Max-Age=2419200; HttpOnly; Secure;
AuthTokenMaster : ETMs<...>ILw=
AuthTokenSession : ETMs<...>==
ClientID : R/ykyhaxXg8WlftPZd6Ih0Y4auOsVg==
CSRFToken : 3sm46ggj6Sz
UserID : 87577248877
UserName : dodievich
ServerVersion : 5.17.1
FileSystemSafeName : AppUserContext.account.dodievich.json
_CreatedWith : Snowflake Snowsight Extensions
_CreatedVersion : 2021.5.18.0
AccountName : account
AccountFullName : account
AccountUrl :
OrganizationID :
Region : us-west-2
Save authentication token to file, specifying its name:
PS > $appContext.SaveToFile("path/to/folder/authToken_myaccount.json")
Save authentication token to folder with the default filename specified by FileSystemSafeName
PS > $appContext.SaveToFolder("path/to/folder")
Save authentication token to file using ConvertTo-JSON
PS > $appContext | ConvertTo-JSON | Out-File path/to/folder/with.json
If you have a saved token in a file, you can read authentication token from it:
PS > $appContext = Get-Content -Path path/to/folder/authToken_myaccount.json | ConvertFrom-JSON
Returns list of all Worksheets in the Account as an array of Worksheet objects that can be manipulated directly and saved to a file.
PS > Get-SFWorksheets -?
Get-SFWorksheets [-AuthContext] <AppUserContext> [<CommonParameters>]
Authentication context from Connect-SFApp command.
Retrieve the list of Worksheets into $worksheets
PS > $worksheets = Get-SFWorksheets -AuthContext $appContext
Retrieved 30 worksheets
Execution took 00:00:00.5990264 (599 ms)
View the list of Worksheets:
PS > $worksheets
WorksheetID WorksheetName FolderID FolderName AccountName OwnerUserName ModifiedUtc Query
----------- ------------- -------- ---------- ----------- ------------- ----------- -----
4Ylfm6mqkJB 2021-04-16 1:16pm account DODIEVICH 4/21/2021 11:23:07 PM test
2zdJ1tNq2xY Account and SSO account DODIEVICH 4/21/2021 11:25:02 PM USE ROLE AC…
4zPK3cLsfd4 Azure Blob Integrations account DODIEVICH 4/21/2021 11:25:02 PM SHOW INTEGR…
4nNfNmxeSHh Create Roles account DODIEVICH 4/21/2021 11:25:03 PM USE ROLE US…
View details of single Worksheet:
PS > $worksheets[0] | Format-List
AccountName : account
AccountFullName : account
AccountUrl :
OrganizationID :
Region : us-west-2
FolderID :
FolderName :
OwnerUserID : 87577248877
OwnerUserName : DODIEVICH
Version : 2
URL : /us-west-2/account/w4Ylfm6mqkJB#query
WorksheetID : 4Ylfm6mqkJB
WorksheetName : 2021-04-16 1:16pm
StartedUtc : 4/21/2021 11:23:07 PM
EndedUtc : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
ModifiedUtc : 4/21/2021 11:23:07 PM
Warehouse :
Query : test
FileSystemSafeName : 2021-04-16 1-16pm.4Ylfm6mqkJB
Convert Worksheets in $worksheets
array to $worksheetsHash
hash table:
PS > $worksheetsHash = @{}; $worksheets | foreach {$worksheetsHash[$_.WorksheetID] = $_}; $worksheetsHash
Name Value
---- -----
CXCvscvEKJ Worksheet: Login and REST History (CXCvscvEKJ) in folder () in account owned by DODIEVICH(87577248877)
1eGl154YcxE Worksheet: Worksheet 6 (1eGl154YcxE) in folder () in account owned by DODIEVICH(87577248877)
y1s0KO81Zq Worksheet: RBAC BCI Environment (y1s0KO81Zq) in folder () in account owned by DODIEVICH(87577248877)
3MR8KWjzzEg Worksheet: KeithShareForDaniel (3MR8KWjzzEg) in folder () in account owned by DODIEVICH(87577248877)
Get Worksheet by ID from $worksheetsHash
PS > $worksheetsHash["CXCvscvEKJ"]
WorksheetID WorksheetName FolderID FolderName AccountName OwnerUserName ModifiedUtc Query
----------- ------------- -------- ---------- ----------- ------------- ----------- -----
CXCvscvEKJ Login and REST History account DODIEVICH 4/21/2021 11:25:04 PM USE ROLE AC…
Save all Worksheets to files:
PS > $worksheets | foreach {$_.SaveToFolder("path/to/folder")}
Save all Worksheets to files using ConvertTo-JSON
PS > $worksheets | foreach {ConvertTo-JSON -Depth 10 -InputObject $_ | Out-File "path/to/folder/$($_.FileSystemSafeName)"}
Save single Worksheet from $worksheets
array to file, specifying its name:
PS > $worksheets[0].SaveToFile("path/to/folder/myworksheet.json")
Save single Worksheet from $worksheets
array to folder with the default filename specified by FileSystemSafeName
PS > $worksheets[0].SaveToFolder("path/to/folder")
Save single Worksheet from $worksheets
array to file using ConvertTo-JSON
$worksheets[0] | ConvertTo-JSON -Depth 10 | Out-File "path/to/folder/$($worksheets[0].FileSystemSafeName)"
Save single Worksheet from $worksheetsHash
hashtable with ID of myworksheetid
to a file:
$worksheetsHash["myworksheetid"] | ConvertTo-JSON -Depth 10 | Out-File "path/to/folder/$($worksheetsHash["myworksheetid"].FileSystemSafeName)"
Load Worksheet from file into a variable:
PS > $worksheet = Get-Content 'path/to/folder/myworksheet.json' | ConvertFrom-JSON
PS > $worksheet | Format-List
FolderID :
FolderName :
OwnerUserID : 87577248877
OwnerUserName : DODIEVICH
Version : 2
URL : /us-west-2/account/w3MR8KWjzzEg#query
WorksheetID : 3MR8KWjzzEg
WorksheetName : KeithShareForDaniel
StartedUtc : 4/21/2021 11:23:08 PM
EndedUtc : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
ModifiedUtc : 4/21/2021 11:23:08 PM
Database : SNOWFLAKE
Schema :
Query : SELECT 123;
Charts : {}
FileSystemSafeName : Worksheet.account.KeithShareForDaniel.3MR8KWjzzEg.json
_CreatedWith : Snowflake Snowsight Extensions
_CreatedVersion : 2021.5.18.0
AccountName : account
AccountFullName : account
AccountUrl :
OrganizationID :
Region : us-west-2
Creates new or updates an existing Worksheet in the Account.
PS > New-SFWorksheet -?
New-SFWorksheet [-AuthContext] <AppUserContext> [-WorksheetFile] <string> [[-ActionIfExists] {Overwrite | CreateNew | Skip}] [[-Execute]]
New-SFWorksheet [-AuthContext] <AppUserContext> [-Worksheet] <Worksheet> [[-ActionIfExists] {Overwrite | CreateNew | Skip}] [[-Execute]]
Authentication context from Connect-SFApp command.
Path to the JSON file for Worksheet to create or update.
Worksheet object to create or update.
Specifies what to do if Account contain Worksheet with the same Name or ID:
Option | Result |
Overwrite | Update existing Worksheet with the same name or ID |
CreateNew | Create new Worksheet with the same name but new ID |
Skip | Skip creating Worksheet (Default) |
If passed, Worksheet is executed in addition to being created or updates.
Create or update Worksheet from one of the Worksheet objects in $worksheets
PS > New-SFWorksheet -AuthContext $appContext -Worksheet $worksheets[0] -ActionIfExists Overwrite
Existing Worksheet '2021-04-16 1:16pm' in Folder '' will be overwritten because ActionIfExists is 'Overwrite'
Returning Worksheet '2021-04-16 1:16pm (4Ylfm6mqkJB)'
WorksheetID WorksheetName FolderID FolderName AccountName OwnerUserName ModifiedUtc Query
----------- ------------- -------- ---------- ----------- ------------- ----------- -----
4Ylfm6mqkJB 2021-04-16 1:16pm account DODIEVICH 4/21/2021 11:23:07 PM test
Execution took 00:00:00.4890137 (489 ms)
Create or update Worksheet from one of the Worksheet objects in $worksheetsHash
PS > New-SFWorksheet -AuthContext $appContext -Worksheet $worksheetsHash["myworksheetid"] -ActionIfExists Overwrite
Existing Worksheet 'Login and REST History' in Folder '' will be overwritten because ActionIfExists is 'Overwrite'
Returning Worksheet 'Login and REST History (CXCvscvEKJ)'
WorksheetID WorksheetName FolderID FolderName AccountName OwnerUserName ModifiedUtc Query
----------- ------------- -------- ---------- ----------- ------------- ----------- -----
CXCvscvEKJ Login and REST History account DODIEVICH 4/21/2021 11:25:04 PM USE ROLE AC…
Execution took 00:00:00.2634021 (263 ms)
Create or update Worksheet from $worksheet
variable that was either retrieved from Account or loaded from previously saved file:
PS > New-SFWorksheet -AuthContext $appContext -Worksheet $worksheet -ActionIfExists Overwrite
Existing Worksheet '2021-04-16 1:16pm' in Folder '' will be overwritten because ActionIfExists is 'Overwrite'
Returning Worksheet '2021-04-16 1:16pm (4Ylfm6mqkJB)'
WorksheetID WorksheetName FolderID FolderName AccountName OwnerUserName ModifiedUtc Query
----------- ------------- -------- ---------- ----------- ------------- ----------- -----
4Ylfm6mqkJB 2021-04-16 1:16pm account DODIEVICH 4/21/2021 11:23:07 PM test
Execution took 00:00:00.2612163 (261 ms)
Create or update Worksheet from Worksheet file:
PS > New-SFWorksheet -AuthContext $appContext -WorksheetFile 'path/to/folder/myworksheetid.json' -ActionIfExists Overwrite
Existing Worksheet '2021-04-16 1:16pm' in Folder '' will be overwritten because ActionIfExists is 'Overwrite'
Returning Worksheet '2021-04-16 1:16pm (4Ylfm6mqkJB)'
WorksheetID WorksheetName FolderID FolderName AccountName OwnerUserName ModifiedUtc Query
----------- ------------- -------- ---------- ----------- ------------- ----------- -----
4Ylfm6mqkJB 2021-04-16 1:16pm account DODIEVICH 4/21/2021 11:23:07 PM test
Execution took 00:00:00.2563201 (256 ms)
Create new Worksheet from Worksheet file even if it already exists:
PS > New-SFWorksheet -AuthContext $appContext -WorksheetFile 'path/to/folder/myworksheetid.json' -ActionIfExists CreateNew
Existing Worksheet 'TastyFruit' in Folder '' will be ignored and new Worksheet will be created because ActionIfExists is 'CreateNew'
Returning Worksheet 'TastyFruit (4iXVFbPHVkp)'
WorksheetID WorksheetName FolderID FolderName AccountName OwnerUserName ModifiedUtc Query
----------- ------------- -------- ---------- ----------- ------------- ----------- -----
4iXVFbPHVkp TastyFruit account DODIEVICH 4/22/2021 9:23:33 PM USE ROLE SY…
Execution took 00:00:00.9035668 (903 ms)
Create new Worksheet from Worksheet file only if it doesn't already exist:
PS > New-SFWorksheet -AuthContext $appContext -WorksheetFile 'path/to/folder/myworksheetid.json' -ActionIfExists Skip
Existing Worksheet 'TastyFruit' in Folder '' will be ignored and nothing will be done because ActionIfExists is 'Skip'
Execution took 00:00:00.2508761 (250 ms)
Create new and overwrite existing Worksheets from list of Worksheets in $worksheets
PS > $worksheets | foreach {New-SFWorksheet -AuthContext $appContext -Worksheet $_ -ActionIfExists Overwrite}
Removes Worksheets matching criteria from Account.
PS > Remove-SFWorksheet -?
Remove-SFWorksheet [-AuthContext] <AppUserContext> [-WorksheetName] <string> [<CommonParameters>]
Remove-SFWorksheet [-AuthContext] <AppUserContext> [-WorksheetID] <string> [<CommonParameters>]
Remove-SFWorksheet [-AuthContext] <AppUserContext> [-Worksheet] <Worksheet> [<CommonParameters>]
Remove-SFWorksheet [-AuthContext] <AppUserContext> [-WorksheetFile] <string> [<CommonParameters>]
Authentication context from Connect-SFApp command.
Name of Worksheet to remove.
ID of Worksheet to remove.
Path to the JSON file for Worksheet to remove.
Worksheet object to remove.
Remove all Worksheets in a $worksheets
PS > $worksheets | Remove-SFWorksheet -AuthContext $appContext
Deleting '1' Worksheets
Deleting Worksheet '2021-04-16 1:16pm (4Ylfm6mqkJB)'
Deleting '1' Worksheets
Deleting Worksheet 'Account and SSO (2zdJ1tNq2xY)'
Remove all Worksheet matching this name:
PS > Remove-SFWorksheet -AuthContext $appContext -WorksheetName "Worksheet 1"
Deleting '1' Worksheets
Deleting Worksheet 'Worksheet 1 (Z3CSa86AWi)'
Execution took 00:00:00.3445596 (344 ms)
Remove specific Worksheet by ID:
PS > Remove-SFWorksheet -AuthContext $appContext -WorksheetID myworksheetid
Deleting '1' Worksheets
Deleting Worksheet 'Jerry Something (2lezXTXXGNs)'
Execution took 00:00:00.4039574 (403 ms)
Remove specific Worksheet by ID with Worksheet coming from $worksheetsHash
PS > Remove-SFWorksheet -AuthContext $appContext -WorksheetID $worksheetsHash["myworksheetid"].WorksheetID
Deleting '1' Worksheets
Deleting Worksheet 'CreatedFromPostman (44wTpZWV14L)'
Execution took 00:00:00.2252777 (225 ms)
Remove all Worksheet matching this object by ID:
PS > Remove-SFWorksheet -AuthContext $appContext -Worksheet $worksheetToRemove
Deleting 1 Worksheets
Deleting Worksheet SomeTestWorksheet (56E6Mqp4tVH)
Execution took 00:00:00.2085117 (208 ms)
Remove all Worksheet matching the name of Worksheet in the file :
PS > Remove-SFWorksheet -AuthContext $authDO -WorksheetFile "C:\path\to\file\Worksheet.sfpscogs_dodievich_sso.New Worksheet.Jy0WhT9EF7.json"
Deleting 12 Worksheets
Deleting Worksheet New Worksheet (Jy0WhT9EF7)
Deleting Worksheet New Worksheet (1mm5gl1G4Of)
Deleting Worksheet New Worksheet (3is88vL0SBD)
Deleting Worksheet New Worksheet (1lSOwVG6Dwq)
Deleting Worksheet New Worksheet (3EbvV8pu7bN)
Deleting Worksheet New Worksheet (34cWGNABZg0)
Deleting Worksheet New Worksheet (1QvyiOQIpS5)
Deleting Worksheet New Worksheet (5NuahvwNLCL)
Deleting Worksheet New Worksheet (ySbLs9BMgX)
Deleting Worksheet New Worksheet (19QHHcONj03)
Deleting Worksheet New Worksheet (51IRz4Ay7Us)
Deleting Worksheet New Worksheet (2LLvwLlQxmN)
Execution took 00:00:01.2082572 (1208 ms)
Runs Worksheets matching name, ID, file or object, refreshing the results. Works only for single-query worksheets.
PS > Invoke-SFWorksheet -?
Invoke-SFWorksheet [-AuthContext] <AppUserContext> [-WorksheetName] <string> [<CommonParameters>]
Invoke-SFWorksheet [-AuthContext] <AppUserContext> [-WorksheetID] <string> [<CommonParameters>]
Invoke-SFWorksheet [-AuthContext] <AppUserContext> [-Worksheet] <Worksheet> [<CommonParameters>]
Invoke-SFWorksheet [-AuthContext] <AppUserContext> [-WorksheetFile] <string> [<CommonParameters>]
Authentication context from Connect-SFApp command.
Name of Worksheet to run.
ID of Worksheet to run.
Path to the JSON file for Worksheet to run.
Worksheet object to run.
Run all Worksheets matching this name:
PS > Invoke-SFWorksheet -AuthContext $authDO -WorksheetName "Current Time"
Executing 1 Worksheets
Running Worksheet Current Time (43QTjcl6w3M)
Query 019dc954-0000-5f0c-0000-38c10017c142 at 7/23/2021 9:08:42 PM succeeded
Executed 1 objects
Execution took 00:00:00.5783268 (578 ms)
Run specific Worksheet by ID:
PS > Invoke-SFWorksheet -AuthContext $authDO -WorksheetID 43QTjcl6w3M
Executing 1 Worksheets
Running Worksheet Current Time (43QTjcl6w3M)
Query 019dc955-0000-5f0e-0000-38c10017b12a at 7/23/2021 9:09:04 PM succeeded
Executed 1 objects
Execution took 00:00:00.2480283 (248 ms)
Run all Worksheets matching this name from Worksheet object:
PS > Invoke-SFWorksheet -AuthContext $authDO -Worksheet $worksheetObject
Executing 1 Worksheets
Running Worksheet Current Time (43QTjcl6w3M)
Query 019dc955-0000-5f0e-0000-38c10017b156 at 7/23/2021 9:09:56 PM succeeded
Executed 1 objects
Execution took 00:00:00.2545735 (254 ms)
Run all Worksheets matching this name from Worksheet file:
PS > Invoke-SFWorksheet -AuthContext $authDO -WorksheetFile "C:\path\to\file\Worksheet.sfpscogs_dodievich_sso.Current Time.43QTjcl6w3M.json"
Executing 1 Worksheets
Running Worksheet Current Time (43QTjcl6w3M)
Query 019dc955-0000-5f0e-0000-38c10017b12e at 7/23/2021 9:09:19 PM succeeded
Executed 1 objects
Execution took 00:00:00.2708688 (270 ms)
Returns list of all Dashboards in the Account as an array of Dashboard objects that can be manipulated directly and saved to a file.
Get-SFDashboards [-AuthContext] <AppUserContext> [<CommonParameters>]
Authentication context from Connect-SFApp command.
Retrieve the list of Dashboards into $dashboards
PS > $dashboards = Get-SFDashboards -AuthContext $appContext
Retrieved 16 dashboards
Execution took 00:00:03.3065618 (3306 ms)
View the list of Dashboards:
PS > $dashboards
DashboardID DashboardName AccountName OwnerUserName ModifiedUtc NumRows NumWidgets
----------- ------------- ----------- ------------- ----------- ------- ----------
5JjYJohs Copy of Dashboard 1 account DODIEVICH 4/29/2021 8:39:53 PM 1 4
2pxRYuVz Copy of Dashboard 1 account DODIEVICH 4/29/2021 8:39:35 PM 1 4
RVmG8gIh Dashboard 1 account DODIEVICH 4/28/2021 10:28:20 PM 2 4
MMc0Mvsy Dashboard 1 account DODIEVICH 4/28/2021 6:51:24 PM 3 5
8WOgHrkO Dashboard 2 account DODIEVICH 4/28/2021 10:30:01 PM 2 2
OHuc0vF Dashboard 2 account DODIEVICH 4/22/2021 10:53:39 PM 2 3
SV53TLvb Dashboard 3 - Empty account DODIEVICH 4/14/2021 9:25:15 PM 1 1
dU45rCqH DashWithCharts account DODIEVICH 5/18/2021 6:52:37 PM 4 8
View details of single Dashboard:
PS > $dashboards[0] | Format-List
OwnerUserID : 87577248877
OwnerUserName : DODIEVICH
URL : /us-west-2/account/copy-of-dashboard-1-d5JjYJohs
DashboardID : 5JjYJohs
DashboardName : Copy of Dashboard 1
RefreshedUtc : 4/29/2021 8:39:48 PM
ViewedUtc : 1/1/0001 12:00:00 AM
ModifiedUtc : 4/29/2021 8:39:53 PM
Warehouse : MH_XSMALL_WH
Database :
Schema :
Contents : {rows, manualRefresh, context}
NumRows : 1
NumWidgets : 4
Worksheets : {Worksheet: Dashboard 1 Worksheet 1 (3d5CF0nwwcA) in folder Copy of Dashboard 1 (5JjYJohs) in account account is owned by
DODIEVICH (87577248877) with query text:
SELECT 'dashboard1', 'worksheet1', 1, Worksheet: ListOfTables (96JGncknkm) in folder Copy of Dashboard 1 (5JjYJohs) in account
account is owned by DODIEVICH (87577248877) with query text:
SELECT * FROM TABLES;, Worksheet: Dashboard 1 Worksheet 2 (4XQXac29WMp) in folder Copy of Dashboard 1 (5JjYJohs) in account
account is owned by DODIEVICH (87577248877) with query text:
SELECT 'dashboard1', 'worksheet2', 2, Worksheet: Create Users (4ZnWF0zZFtp) in folder Copy of Dashboard 1 (5JjYJohs) in account
account is owned by DODIEVICH (87577248877) with query text:
DESCRIBE USER dodievich;
ALTER USER dodievich SET
DROP USER fbaggins;
DROP USER galadriel;
DROP USER aragorn;
DROP USER gollum;
FileSystemSafeName : Dashboard.account.Copy of Dashboard 1.5JjYJohs.json
_CreatedWith : Snowflake Snowsight Extensions
_CreatedVersion : 2021.5.18.0
AccountName : account
AccountFullName : account
AccountUrl :
OrganizationID : 257859291703
Region : us-west-2
Save all Dashboards to files:
PS > $dashboards | foreach {$_.SaveToFolder("path/to/folder")}
Save all Dashboards to files using ConvertTo-JSON
PS > $dashboards | foreach {ConvertTo-JSON -Depth 10 -InputObject $_ | Out-File "path/to/folder/$($_.FileSystemSafeName)"}
Save single Dashboard from $dashboards
array to file, specifying its name:
PS > $dashboards[0].SaveToFile("path/to/folder/mydashboard.json")
Save single Dashboard from $dashboards
array to folder with the default filename specified by FileSystemSafeName
PS > $dashboards[0].SaveToFolder("path/to/folder")
Save single Dashboard from $dashboards
array to file using ConvertTo-JSON
$dashboards[0] | ConvertTo-JSON -Depth 10 | Out-File "path/to/folder/$($dashboards[0].FileSystemSafeName)"
Load Dashboard from file into a variable:
PS > $dashboard = Get-Content 'path/to/folder/mydashboard.json' | ConvertFrom-JSON
Creates new or updates an existing Dashboard in the Account.
PS > New-SFDashboard -?
New-SFDashboard [-AuthContext] <AppUserContext> [-DashboardFile] <string> [[-ActionIfExists] {CreateNew | Skip}] [<CommonParameters>]
New-SFDashboard [-AuthContext] <AppUserContext> [-Dashboard] <Dashboard> [[-ActionIfExists] {CreateNew | Skip}] [<CommonParameters>]
Authentication context from Connect-SFApp command.
Path to the JSON file for Dashboard to create or update.
Dashboard object to create or update.
Specifies what to do if Account contain Dashboard with the same Name or ID:
Option | Result |
CreateNew | Create new Dashboard with the same name but new ID |
Skip | Skip creating Dashboard (Default) |
Create Dashboard from $dashboard
variable that was either retrieved from Account or loaded from previously saved file:
PS > New-SFDashboard -AuthContext $appContext -Dashboard $dashboard -ActionIfExists CreateNew
Existing Dashboard 'DashWithCharts' will be ignored and new Dashboard will be created because ActionIfExists is 'CreateNew'
Creating new Worksheet for Chart Worksheet 1 (4ov1hsZ92Jl)
Created new Worksheet Chart Worksheet 1 (5Nva2QcIOiL)
Creating new Chart /chart (1166750) in Chart Worksheet 1 (5Nva2QcIOiL)
Creating new Worksheet for Chart Worksheet 2 (4vzoAU21xLT)
Created new Worksheet Chart Worksheet 2 (3lVciHoThps)
Creating new Chart /chart (1166752) in Chart Worksheet 2 (3lVciHoThps)
Creating new Worksheet for Chart Worksheet 3 (4lBqkU2KUy0)
Created new Worksheet Chart Worksheet 3 (3rLLO81T0Mu)
Creating new Chart /chart (1166754) in Chart Worksheet 3 (3rLLO81T0Mu)
Creating new Worksheet for 2021-05-13 4:10pm (3LKJjEfToxr)
Created new Worksheet 2021-05-13 4:10pm (38DeUfOqBJT)
Creating new Chart /chart (1166756) in 2021-05-13 4:10pm (38DeUfOqBJT)
Inserting table into cell (0, 0) from worksheet Worksheet Chart Worksheet 1 (5Nva2QcIOiL)
Inserting chart into cell (0, 1) from worksheet Worksheet Chart Worksheet 1 (5Nva2QcIOiL)
Inserting table into cell (1, 0) from worksheet Worksheet Chart Worksheet 2 (3lVciHoThps)
Inserting chart into cell (1, 1) from worksheet Worksheet Chart Worksheet 2 (3lVciHoThps)
Inserting table into cell (2, 0) from worksheet Worksheet Chart Worksheet 3 (3rLLO81T0Mu)
Inserting chart into cell (2, 1) from worksheet Worksheet Chart Worksheet 3 (3rLLO81T0Mu)
Inserting table into cell (3, 0) from worksheet Worksheet 2021-05-13 4:10pm (38DeUfOqBJT)
Inserting chart into cell (3, 1) from worksheet Worksheet 2021-05-13 4:10pm (38DeUfOqBJT)
Running new Worksheet Chart Worksheet 1 (5Nva2QcIOiL)
Running new Worksheet Chart Worksheet 2 (3lVciHoThps)
Running new Worksheet Chart Worksheet 3 (3rLLO81T0Mu)
Running new Worksheet 2021-05-13 4:10pm (38DeUfOqBJT)
Returning Dashboard 'DashWithCharts (V2HOYw2s)'
DashboardID DashboardName AccountName OwnerUserName ModifiedUtc NumRows NumWidgets
----------- ------------- ----------- ------------- ----------- ------- ----------
V2HOYw2s DashWithCharts account DODIEVICH 5/18/2021 10:13:10 PM 4 8
Execution took 00:00:16.4291362 (16429 ms)
Create Dashboard from Dashboard file:
PS > New-SFDashboard -AuthContext $appContext -DashboardFile 'path/to/folder/mydashboard.json' -ActionIfExists CreateNew
Create new Dashboards from list of Dashboards in $dashboards
PS > $dashboards | foreach {New-SFDashboard -AuthContext $appContext -Dashboard $_ -ActionIfExists CreateNew}
Removes single Dashboard from Account.
PS > Remove-SFDashboard -?
Remove-SFDashboard [-AuthContext] <AppUserContext> [-DashboardName] <string> [<CommonParameters>]
Remove-SFDashboard [-AuthContext] <AppUserContext> [-DashboardID] <string> [<CommonParameters>]
Authentication context from Connect-SFApp command.
Name of Dashboard to remove.
ID of Dashboard to remove.
Remove all Dashboards in a $dashboards
PS > $dashboards | Remove-SFDashboard -AuthContext $appContext
Remove specific Dashboard by name:
PS > Remove-SFDashboard -AuthContext $appContext -DashboardName "Dashboard 1"
Remove specific Worksheet by ID:
PS > Remove-SFDashboard -AuthContext $appContext -DashboardID mydashboardid
Runs Dashboards matching name, ID, file or object, refreshing the results.
PS > Invoke-SFDashboard -?
Invoke-SFDashboard [-AuthContext] <AppUserContext> [-DashboardName] <string> [<CommonParameters>]
Invoke-SFDashboard [-AuthContext] <AppUserContext> [-DashboardID] <string> [<CommonParameters>]
Invoke-SFDashboard [-AuthContext] <AppUserContext> [-Dashboard] <Dashboard> [<CommonParameters>]
Invoke-SFDashboard [-AuthContext] <AppUserContext> [-DashboardFile] <string> [<CommonParameters>]
Authentication context from Connect-SFApp command.
Name of Dashboard to run.
ID of Dashboard to run.
Path to the JSON file for Dashboard to run.
Dashboard object to run.
Run all Dashboards matching this name:
PS > Invoke-SFDashboard -AuthContext $authDO -DashboardName "Execute Dashboard Test"
Executing 1 Dashboards
Running Dashboard Execute Dashboard Test (Wwhwx0o8) with 2 Worksheets
Executed 1 objects
Execution took 00:00:00.4652800 (465 ms)
Run specific Dashboard by ID:
PS > Invoke-SFDashboard -AuthContext $authDO -DashboardID Wwhwx0o8
Executing 1 Dashboards
Running Dashboard Execute Dashboard Test (Wwhwx0o8) with 2 Worksheets
Executed 1 objects
Execution took 00:00:00.5582934 (558 ms)
Run all Dashboards matching this name from Dashboard object:
PS > Invoke-SFDashboard -AuthContext $authDO -Dashboard $dashboardObject
Run all Dashboards matching this name from Dashboard file:
PS > Invoke-SFDashboard -AuthContext $authDO -DashboardFile "C:\path\to\file\Dashboard.sfpscogs_dodievich_sso.Execute Dashboard Test.Wwhwx0o8.json"
Running Dashboard Execute Dashboard Test (Wwhwx0o8) with 2 Worksheets
Executed 1 objects
Execution took 00:00:00.2708688 (270 ms)
Returns list of all Filters in the Account as an array of Filter objects that can be manipulated directly and saved to a file.
PS > Get-SFFilters -?
Get-SFFilters [-AuthContext] <AppUserContext> [<CommonParameters>]
Authentication context from Connect-SFApp command.
Retrieve the list of Filters into $filters
PS > Get-SFFilters -AuthContext $appContext
Found Filter Date range (daterange) [daterange]
Found Filter Date bucket (datebucket) [datebucket]
Found Filter Time zone (timezone) [timezone]
Found Filter Schema (schema) [query]
Getting Query Details for Filter Schema (schema) [query]
Found Worksheet Param Query (3wTm7pTHOQy)
Found Filter TimeUnitType (time_unit_type) [manual]
Found Filter TimeUnitValue (time_unit_value) [manual]
Found Filter OrderStatus (orderstatus) [query]
Getting Query Details for Filter OrderStatus (orderstatus) [query]
Getting Query Details for Filter testqueryfilter1 (testqueryfilter1) [query]
Retrieved 16 Filters
Execution took 00:00:02.9268173 (2926 ms)
View details of single Filter:
PS > $filters[0] | Format-List
Description :
Keyword : account
DisplayName : Account
Scope : org
Type : query
Version : 1
WorksheetID : icqOJDRRU8
Worksheet : Worksheet: Param Query (icqOJDRRU8) in account account is owned by DSILVA (291224489264) with query text:
select distinct account from MonthlyCustomerStats;
Warehouse : DSILVA_WH
Database :
Schema :
Configuration : {scope, type, keyword, label…}
FileSystemSafeName : Filter.account.query.account.json
_CreatedWith : Snowflake Snowsight Extensions
_CreatedVersion : 2022.6.2.0
AccountName : account
AccountFullName : account
AccountUrl :
OrganizationID : 257859291703
Region : us-west-2
Convert Filters in $filters
array to $filtersHash
hash table:
PS > $filtersHash = @{}; $filters | foreach {$filtersHash[$_.Keyword] = $_}; $filtersHash
Name Value
---- -----
testfilterkeywordtesttest Filter: Test Filter List Display Name (Test Filter Description) of org scope is used as testfilterkeywordtesttest in account account is ran by PROD_SYSADMIN role in PROD_WH warehouse
timezone Filter: Time zone (A time zone) of global scope is used as timezone in account account is ran by role in warehouse
testtest Filter: TestTest (testtest) of org scope is used as testtest in account account is ran by SYSADMIN role in warehouse
testqueryfilter1 Filter: testqueryfilter1 (testqueryfilter1) of org scope is used as testqueryfilter1 in account account is ran by SYSADMIN role in DODIEVICH_LOAD_WH warehouse
testfilterlistkeyword Filter: Test Filter List Display Name (Test Filter Description) of org scope is used as testfilterlistkeyword in account account is ran by SYSADMIN role in DODIEVICH_LOAD_WH warehouse
schema Filter: Schema (Custom Schema Filter) of org scope is used as schema in account account is ran by SYSADMIN role in DSILVA_WH warehouse
orderstatus Filter: OrderStatus (From tpc data) of org scope is used as orderstatus in account account is ran by SYSADMIN role in ADMIN_WH warehouse
account Filter: Account () of org scope is used as account in account account is ran by ACCOUNTADMIN role in DSILVA_WH warehouse
Get Filter by Keyword from $filtersHash
PS > $filtersHash["orderstatus"]
DisplayName Keyword Type Scope
----------- ------- ---- -----
OrderStatus orderstatus query org
Save all Filters to files:
PS > $filters | foreach {$_.SaveToFolder("path/to/folder")}
Save single Filter from $filters
array to file, specifying its name:
PS > $filters[0].SaveToFile("path/to/folder/myfilter.json")
Save single Filter from $filters
array to folder with the default filename specified by FileSystemSafeName
PS > $filters[0].SaveToFolder("path/to/folder")
Load Filter from file into a variable:
PS > $filter = Get-Content 'path/to/folder/myfilter.json' | ConvertFrom-JSON
Creates new or updates an existing Filter in the Account.
PS > New-SFFilter -?
New-SFFilter [-AuthContext] <AppUserContext> [[-ActionIfExists] {Overwrite | Skip}] [<CommonParameters>]
New-SFFilter [-AuthContext] <AppUserContext> [-Filter] <Filter> [[-ActionIfExists] {Overwrite | Skip}] [<CommonParameters>]
New-SFFilter [-AuthContext] <AppUserContext> [-FilterFile] <string> [[-ActionIfExists] {Overwrite | Skip}] [<CommonParameters>]
Authentication context from Connect-SFApp command.
Path to the JSON file for Filter to create or update.
Filter object to create or update.
Specifies what to do if Account contains Filter with the same keyword:
Option | Result |
Overwrite | Update existing Filter with the same keyword |
Skip | Skip creating Filter (Default) |
Create or update Filter from one of the Filters objects in $filters
PS > New-SFFilter -AuthContext $appContext -Filter $filters[4] -ActionIfExists Overwrite
Getting Query Details for Filter OrderPriority (orderpriority) [query]
Found Filter Param Query (4YGIJWpZapH)
Existing Filter OrderPriority (orderpriority) will be overwritten because ActionIfExists is Overwrite
Running Filter Param Query (4YGIJWpZapH)
DisplayName Keyword Type Scope
----------- ------- ---- -----
OrderPriority orderpriority query org
Execution took 00:00:05.6899666 (5689 ms)
Create or update Filter from Filter file:
PS > New-SFFilter -AuthContext $appContext -FilterFile path/to/myfilter.json -ActionIfExists Overwrite
Getting Query Details for Filter OrderPriority (orderpriority) [query]
Found Filter Param Query (4YGIJWpZapH)
Existing Filter OrderPriority (orderpriority) will be overwritten because ActionIfExists is Overwrite
Running Filter Param Query (4YGIJWpZapH)
DisplayName Keyword Type Scope
----------- ------- ---- -----
OrderPriority orderpriority query org
Execution took 00:00:01.1230870 (1123 ms)
Create new Filter from Filter file only if it doesn't already exist:
PS > New-SFFilter -AuthContext $appContext -FilterFile path/to/myfilter.json -ActionIfExists Skip
Getting Query Details for Filter OrderPriority (orderpriority) [query]
Found Filter Param Query (4YGIJWpZapH)
Existing Filter OrderPriority (orderpriority) will be ignored and nothing will be done because ActionIfExists is Skip
Execution took 00:00:00.4108136 (410 ms)
Create new and overwrite existing Filters from list of Filters in $filters
PS > $filters | foreach {New-SFFilter -AuthContext $appContext -Filter $_ -ActionIfExists Overwrite}
Removes single Filter from Account.
PS > Remove-SFFilter -?
Remove-SFFilter [-AuthContext] <AppUserContext> [-FilterKeyword] <string> [<CommonParameters>]
Remove-SFFilter [-AuthContext] <AppUserContext> [-Filter] <Filter> [<CommonParameters>]
Remove-SFFilter [-AuthContext] <AppUserContext> [-FilterFile] <string> [<CommonParameters>]
Authentication context from Connect-SFApp command.
ID of Filter to remove.
Filter object to remove.
File representation of Filter to remove.
Remove specific Filter by ID:
PS > Remove-SFFilter -AuthContext $appContext -FilterKeyword myfiltertodelete
Retrieves query profile information for Query.
PS > Get-SFQueryProfile -?
Get-SFQueryProfile [-AuthContext] <AppUserContext> [-QueryIDs] <string[]> [[-Role] <string>] [[-OutputFolder] <string>]
[[-IncludeJobRetries]] [<CommonParameters>]
Authentication context from Connect-SFApp command.
Array of Query IDs to retrieve
Role to use to retrieve things. If omitted, user's default role from Authentication context is used
Location where to save the resulting data
Whether to retrieve all the potential GS job retries or just get the latest run. This parameter can add considerable duration to the retrieval process.
Get information about single query:
PS > Get-SFQueryProfile -AuthContext $auth -QueryIDs 019f3db8-0602-9e0b-0004-150310c3b4ff -OutputFolder ....\path\to\store\results
Get information about several queries:
PS > Get-SFQueryProfile -AuthContext $auth -QueryIDs 019f3db8-0602-9e0b-0004-150310c3b4ff, 019f311f-0602-97e3-0004-15030dbe80c7 -OutputFolder ..\path\to\store\results
Get information about several queries for Query IDs stored in a CSV file.
First, load CSV file with Query IDs in :
PS > $queriesList = Import-CSV ..\LocalStore\featured_product_daily_aggregate\InterestingQueries.csv
Then pass the list of queries and specify that GS job retries are included:
PS > Get-SFQueryProfile -AuthContext $auth -QueryIDs ($queriesList | foreach {$_.Query_ID}) -Role ACCOUNTADMIN -OutputFolder ..\path\to\store\results -IncludeJobRetries
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