Change: Make NFORenum not care about missing 8bpp sprites.
Change: Make NFORenum not care about missing 8bpp sprites.
Pull request merge
Upgrade: [Actions] Bump the actions group with 3 updates
Upgrade: [Actions] Bump the actions group with 3 updates
Force push
on May 8, 2024
Bump the actions group with 3 updates
Bump the actions group with 3 updates
Add: [Dependabot] introduce Dependabot to keep our workflows up-to-da…
Add: [Dependabot] introduce Dependabot to keep our workflows up-to-da…
Pull request merge
Doc: update changelog for 6.1.0 release
Doc: update changelog for 6.1.0 release
Pull request merge
Fix: encoding tiles on PowerPC caused sprites to be incorrect
Fix: encoding tiles on PowerPC caused sprites to be incorrect
Pull request merge
Fix: potential undefined behaviour when subtracting null pointer
Fix: potential undefined behaviour when subtracting null pointer
Pull request merge
Doc: convert readme from txt to markdown
Doc: convert readme from txt to markdown
Pull request merge
Change: Allow stripping 8bpp normal zoom with grfstrip.
Change: Allow stripping 8bpp normal zoom with grfstrip.
Pull request merge
Fix [Github]: vcpkg has been removed from some runners, so building f…
Fix [Github]: vcpkg has been removed from some runners, so building f…
Pull request merge
Add: [GitHub] Release workflow
Add: [GitHub] Release workflow
Pull request merge
Change: Support decoding NewGRFs with out-of-order v2 container.
Change: Support decoding NewGRFs with out-of-order v2 container.
Pull request merge
Change: [CI] Use a more recent g++
Change: [CI] Use a more recent g++
Pull request merge