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Leveraging Tencent's many years of experience in network and audio/video technologies, Tencent Real-Time Communication (TRTC) offers solutions for group audio/video calls and low-latency interactive live streaming. With TRTC, you can quickly develop cost-effective, low-latency, and high-quality interactive audio/video services. Learn more...
We offer SDKs for web, Android, iOS, Windows, Flutter, WeChat Mini Program, and other mainstream platforms.
├─ TRTC-API-Example-C++ // Demo for C++
│ ├─TRTC-API-Example-Qt // Demo for Qt
│ ├─SDK // C++ SDK directory
│ │ ├─CPlusPlus
│ │ ├─README.md
├─ TRTC-API-Example-CSharp // Demo for C#
│ ├─TRTC-Example-CSharp.sln // Project solution
│ ├─TRTC-API-Example-CSharp // Demo for C#
│ ├─ManageLiteAV // C# SDK's adapter project
│ │ ├─thirdparty // Third-party library directory
│ │ │ ├─liteav
│ │ │ │ ├─CPlusPlus // C++ SDK is accessed as a third-party library
│ ├─SDK // C# SDK directory
│ │ ├─CSharp
│ │ ├─README.md
├─ TRTC-API-Example-ActiveX // Demo for ActiveX SDK
│ ├─TRTC-API-Example-ActiveX // Demo for ActiveX
│ ├─SDK // ActiveX SDK directory
│ │ ├─ActiveX
│ │ ├─README.md
- Currently, only the TRTC-API-Example-Qt、TRTC-API-Example-CSharp and TRTC-API-Example-ActiveX projects are provided. If you want to use the demo of other Windows platforms, see [TRTC SDK](https://github.com/tencentyun /TRTCSDK);
If you have questions, see FAQs.
To learn about how the TRTC SDK can be used in different scenarios, see Sample Code.
For the complete API documentation, see SDK API Documentation.
For aftersales technical support, please contact us.
To report bugs in our sample code, please create an issue.