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TRTC Flutter SDK


Leveraging Tencent's many years of experience in network and audio/video technologies, Tencent Real-Time Communication (TRTC) offers solutions for group audio/video calls and low-latency interactive live streaming. With TRTC, you can quickly develop cost-effective, low-latency, and high-quality interactive audio/video services. Learn more...

We offer SDKs for web, Android, iOS, Windows, Flutter, WeChat Mini Program, and other mainstream platforms.


├─ TRTC-API-Example // TRTC API examples, including those for basic features such as audio call and video call as well as some advanced features
|  ├─ Basic                 // Demos for TRTC basic features
|  |  ├─ AudioCall                 // Demo for audio call in TRTC
|  |  ├─ VideoCall                 // Demo for video call in TRTC
|  |  ├─ Live                      // Demo for interactive video live streaming in TRTC
|  |  ├─ VoiceChatRoom             // Demo for interactive audio live streaming in TRTC
|  |  ├─ ScreenShare               // Demo for screen sharing live streaming in TRTC
|  ├─ Advanced              // Demos for TRTC advanced features
|  |  ├─ StringRoomId              // Demo for string room ID in TRTC
|  |  ├─ SetVideoQuality           // Demo for video quality setting in TRTC
|  |  ├─ SetAudioQuality           // Demo for audio quality setting in TRTC
|  |  ├─ SetRenderParams           // Demo for rendering control in TRTC
|  |  ├─ SpeedTest                 // Demo for network speed test in TRTC
|  |  ├─ SetAudioEffect            // Demo for sound effect configuration in TRTC
|  |  ├─ SetBackgroundMusic        // Demo for background music configuration in TRTC
|  |  ├─ LocalRecord               // Demo for local video recording in TRTC
|  |  ├─ SEIMessage                // Demo for SEI message sending/receiving in TRTC
|  |  ├─ SwitchRoom                // Demo for quick room switching in TRTC
|  |  ├─ RoomPk                    // Demo for cross-room competition in TRTC
├─ TRTC-Simple-Demo // Multiplayer audio and video conference Demo
├─ SDK 
│  ├─     // Download address of the latest version of TRTC SDK

Contact Us

  • If you have questions, see FAQs.

  • To learn about how the TRTC SDK can be used in different scenarios, see Sample Code.

  • For complete API documentation, see SDK API Documentation.

  • To report bugs in our sample code, please create an issue.

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