feat(uniform exploreres): Making explorers uniform
feat(uniform exploreres): Making explorers uniform
Pull request merge
wip: more CF coverage with slicing
wip: more CF coverage with slicing
wip: start supporting slicing
wip: start supporting slicing
wip: cleaner reader
wip: cleaner reader
wip: integrate new python reader
wip: integrate new python reader
wip: try to enable cell-data
wip: try to enable cell-data
fix(deprecation): Replace removed dimensions property
fix(deprecation): Replace removed dimensions property
Pull request merge
fix(deprecation): Replace removed dimensions property
fix(deprecation): Replace removed dimensions property
Force push
Fix removed dimensions property for VTK structured grid
Fix removed dimensions property for VTK structured grid
Force push
Fix removed dimensions property for VTK structured grid
Fix removed dimensions property for VTK structured grid
fix(vtkreader): need to set PAN3D_USE_VTK_XARRAY to enable reader
fix(vtkreader): need to set PAN3D_USE_VTK_XARRAY to enable reader
feat(vtkreader): add initial integration if available
feat(vtkreader): add initial integration if available
Hard-code local_rendering to wasm for consistent behavior in binder
Hard-code local_rendering to wasm for consistent behavior in binder
Update slicer and esgf examples for use with binder
Update slicer and esgf examples for use with binder
feat(reader): use vtk implementation if available
feat(reader): use vtk implementation if available
fix(missing varaible): Adding missing class member variable to constr…
fix(missing varaible): Adding missing class member variable to constr…
Pull request merge
fix(accessor): add .local/.remote option
fix(accessor): add .local/.remote option