issues Search Results · repo:Dieterbe/anthracite language:JavaScript
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inDieterbe/anthracite (press backspace or delete to remove)When I try to start antracite it failes with:
Traceback (most recent call last): File ./ , line 437, in module backend = Backend(config) File
/opt/prometheus/anthracite/anthracite/ ...
- 1
- Opened on Feb 27, 2017
- #27
Hi! I found your library from reading a blog post that described your tool at a high level. I see the checkout
instructions and directions towards ElasticSearch setup and etc, have you thought about creating ...
- 1
- Opened on Apr 19, 2016
- #25
I ve been beating my head against this a bit - but I feel sort of stuck now.
I have anthracite running behind mod_proxy - and almost everything seems to work.
The operational report screen, though, seems ...
- 1
- Opened on Sep 23, 2015
- #24
My server timezone is set at UTC, and my browser is PST. No matter if I set timezone= America/Los_Angeles or timezone=
Etc/UTC in the file, when I tried to add an event via the web interface, ...
- 4
- Opened on Aug 26, 2014
- #17
I am having issues creating events from the UI. The date filed is not converted to UTC before it is being saved to
elasticsearch. Makes it tricky to query elasticsearch with date ranges from different ...
- 4
- Opened on Jul 29, 2014
- #16
I can install anthracite fine using git clone --recursive . The application starts okay, and I can access the web
interface, add an event, and view it in /events/table.
However when I click timeline ...
- 5
- Opened on Mar 29, 2014
- #14
I could not install by running git clone --recursive Getting this error:
Submodule timezone-js (git:// registered for ...
- 9
- Opened on Feb 8, 2014
- #13
anthracite will be using ES as backend store for the foreseeable future. anthracite should keep it s own api for
put/post requests, because it does validation based on custom schema, and may even need ...
- Opened on Nov 25, 2013
- #12
Is the 0.20.X version of ElasticSearch a requirement? It looks like Anthracite works fine with the latest ES (0.90.5)
- 2
- Opened on Oct 17, 2013
- #11
I ve just taken first glance at the application and wonder: do you think filtering by tags would make sense?
Say filtering events that occured only in the certain server environment.
- 3
- Opened on Oct 12, 2013
- #10

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