Add MomentDivergence operator that maintains k
Add MomentDivergence operator that maintains k
Add HarmonicTrace operator for the ball
Add HarmonicTrace operator for the ball
Explicilty add groups_to_wavenumbers for Fourier bases
Explicilty add groups_to_wavenumbers for Fourier bases
Force push
Save weak references to all fields built on a distributor, to help tr…
Save weak references to all fields built on a distributor, to help tr…
Remove field locks in NLBVP linearization
Remove field locks in NLBVP linearization
Make copies of direct-Field and duplicate tasks to avoid processing i…
Make copies of direct-Field and duplicate tasks to avoid processing i…
Fix hdf5 file checking to prevent deadlock before folder is created
Fix hdf5 file checking to prevent deadlock before folder is created
Add real and imag properties for operands
Add real and imag properties for operands
Force push
TL: allow points in folder name for evaluator
TL: allow points in folder name for evaluator
Pull request merge
Add setuptools explicitly to github actions
Add setuptools explicitly to github actions
Fix global_grid call in
Fix global_grid call in
Change field methods to use wrapped array.copyto. This makes set_stat…
Change field methods to use wrapped array.copyto. This makes set_stat…
Add real and imag properties for operands
Add real and imag properties for operands
Allow for custom derivative operators in UnaryGridFunction, and remov…
Allow for custom derivative operators in UnaryGridFunction, and remov…
Update unarygridfunction and docs for broader support of custom funct…
Update unarygridfunction and docs for broader support of custom funct…
Explicilty cast chunk_shape to int32 to fix numpy 2 int promotion cha…
Explicilty cast chunk_shape to int32 to fix numpy 2 int promotion cha…
Modified polar component operators so they work on tensors.
Modified polar component operators so they work on tensors.
Pull request merge