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The Field Data Plugin tool is a utility that can be used to install and configure Field Data Plugins on your AQTS app server.

Download the latest version of the Field Data Plugin Tool from the releases page.

Note: Starting with AQTS 2018.4, the FieldDataPluginTool.exe is no longer required to install plugins. You can use the SwaggerUI page to install a plugin directly. The FieldDataPluginTool.exe still works with 2018.4+ systems, but it isn't strictly required.

Field Data Plugin Tool

2018.4+ Alternative: Install a plugin using the Swagger UI page

  • First, log into AQUARIUS Springboard in your browser. Keep the Springboard tab open for the remainder of these steps.
  • Open a new browser tab to http://appserver/AQUARIUS/Provisioning/v1/swagger-ui/
  • Navigate to the POST /fielddataplugins operation
  • Click the Choose File button and select the *.plugin file to install
  • Click the Try it out! button to install the plugin

Install a plugin via SwaggerUI

2018.4+ Alternative: Install a plugin using curl

You can also write a script to install a plugin.

Here is a curl command line to install a plugin located in Downloads\Flowtracker2.plugin.

$ curl -f -u username:password -F "upload=@Downloads/FlowTracker2.plugin" "http://appserver/AQUARIUS/Provisioning/v1/fielddataplugins"
{"UniqueId":"b854048208f14d8ea076f0fb1efe74f1","PluginFolderName":"FlowTracker2","AssemblyQualifiedTypeName":"FlowTracker2Plugin.Plugin, FlowTracker2Plugin, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null","PluginPriority":990,"Description":"The FlowTracker2 plugin"}
  • -f tells curl to fail if it does not receive a 2xx HTTP status response.
  • -u username:password sets the AQUARIUS credentials using HTTP Basic Authentication.
  • -F "upload=@Downloads/FlowTracker2.plugin" is the path to the plugin file to upload. (Note that the path starts with @)

And to uninstall a plugin, you just need make a DELETE request to the /Provisioning/v1/fielddataplugins/{UniqueId} endpoint.

$ curl -f -u username:password -X DELETE "http://appserver/AQUARIUS/Provisioning/v1/fielddataplugins/b854048208f14d8ea076f0fb1efe74f1"

FieldDataPluginTool.exe features

  • Can add, remove, or change priority of field data plugins.
  • Supports drag-and-drop installation of plugins.
  • Operator confirmation is required before any changes are made.
  • All actions are logged in the standard %ProgramData%\Aquatic Informatics\AQUARIUS\Logs folder in the FieldDataPluginTool.log file.


  • The Time-Series server software must be running.
  • 2018.3-or-older: The tool must be run directly on an AQTS app server, running 2017.4-or-newer software.
  • 2018.3-or-older: Administrative access on the AQTS app server is required. Right-click FieldDataPluginTool.exe and select "Run as administrator"
  • 2018.4-or-newer: You can run the FieldDataPluginTool.exe from anywhere on the network, and no Administrative privileges are required.