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PluginTester - No AQTS Server needed!

The PluginTester.exe console app allows you to run your field data plugin outside of the AQUARIUS Time-Series server environment, for easier debugging and validation.

  • Can be run from CMD.EXE, PowerShell, or a bash shell.
  • Can be run from within Visual Studio, to allow step-by=step debugging of you plugin.
  • An exit code of 0 means the file was successfully parsed by the plugin.
  • An exit code of 1 means "something went wrong".
  • Everything gets logged to PluginTester.log
  • Can configure with any required plugin settings.
  • Any appended results from the plugin can be saved to a JSON file.


Usage: PluginTester [-option=value] [@optionsFile] ...

Supported -option=value settings (/option=value works too):

  ======================= Specify the plugin to be tested
  -Plugin                 Path to the plugin assembly. Can be a folder, a DLL, or a packaged *.plugin file.
  -Verbose                Enables verbose logging of assembly loading logic. [default: False]
  -FrameworkAssemblyPath  Optional path to the FieldDataPluginFramework.dll assembly. [default: Test using the latest framework version]

  ======================= Test data settings
  -Data                   Path to the data file to be parsed. Can be set more than once.
  -RecursiveSearch        Search /Data directories recursively. -R shortcut is also supported. [default: False]
  -Setting                Supply plugin settings as 'key=text' or 'key=@pathToTextFile' values.

  ======================= Plugin context settings
  -Location               Optional location identifier context
  -UtcOffset              UTC offset in .NET TimeSpan format. [default: -08:00:00]

  ======================= Output settings
  -Json                   Optional path (file or folder) to write the appended results as JSON.

  ======================= Expected response settings
  -ExpectedError          Expected error message
  -ExpectedStatus         Expected parse status. One of SuccessfullyParsedButDataInvalid, SuccessfullyParsedAndDataValid, CannotParse [default: SuccessfullyParsedAndDataValid]

Use the @optionsFile syntax to read more options from a file.

  Each line in the file is treated as a command line option.
  Blank lines and leading/trailing whitespace is ignored.
  Comment lines begin with a # or // marker.

Saving JSON results

The /Json=outputPath option can be specified to save the resulting framework DTOs to a JSON document.

This JSON document can be very useful to debug complex logic within a plugin, since it will represent the exact data being sent to the framework when your plugin runs on your AQUARIUS Time Series app server.

This JSON document will contain the AppendedResults content:

  • The version information of the framework used to launch the plugin.
  • The version information of the plugin used to parse the data file.
  • A list of FieldVisitInfo objects parsed by the plugin.

This JSON document can also be parsed by the JSON field data plugin and it can be sent to the AQUARIUS Support team for troubleshooting.


The tester uses log4net to log to both the console and to the PluginTester.log file.

Log statements from the tester itself are easily distinguished from log statements from the plugin being tested.

Invoking the tester as a post-build event in Visual Studio

This post-build event will test that your plugin can successfully parse the data\somefile.ext file. If a parsing error is detected, the build will be marked as failed.

$(SolutionDir)packages\Aquarius.FieldDataFramework.20.2.0\tools\PluginTester.exe /Plugin=$(TargetPath) /Data=$(SolutionDir)..\data\somefile.ext

How does my build know if the tester has failed?

The PluginTester.exe tool follows standard exit code conventions. Zero means success, and any positive exit codes means an error occurred.

Visual Studio post-build events will detect any non-zero exit codes and indicate a failed parse attempt by your plugin.

Using PluginTester for integration tests

You can leverage two features of PluginTester to build an automated test suite for your plugin.

You can even test for error conditions using the /ExpectedStatus and /ExpectedError options.

  1. An exit code of 0 means "The plugin parsed the file as expected".

Any other exit code means something went wrong. Use the exit code to determine if the file was parsed.

$ PluginTester.exe -Plugin=MyPlugin.dll -Data=data.csv -Json=results.json || echo "Did not parser data.csv"
  1. Saving the appended results to JSON should always yield the identical output.

# Helper function
exit_abort () {
    [ ! -z "$1" ] && echo ERROR: "$1"
    echo 'ABORTED!'
    exit $ERRCODE


$PluginTester -Plugin=$pluginPath -Data=$DataPath -Json=$JsonPath || exit_abort "Can't parse $DataPath"
cmp $JsonPath $ExpectedResultsPath || exit_abort "Expected output did not match."

Debugging from Visual Studio

Use the PluginTest.exe to debug your plugin from within Visual Studio.

  1. Open your plugin's Properties page
  2. Select the Debug tab
  3. Select Start external program: as the start action and browse to packages\Aquarius.FieldDataFramework.20.2.0\tools\PluginTester.exe
  4. Enter the Command line arguments: to launch your plugin
/Plugin=<yourPluginAssembly>.dll /Data=a\path\to\sometestfile.ext

The /Plugin= argument can be the filename of your plugin assembly, without any folder. The default working directory for a start action is the bin folder containing your plugin.

  1. Set a breakpoint in your plugin's ParseFile() methods.
  2. Select your plugin project in Solution Explorer and select "Debug | Start new instance"
  3. Now you're debugging your plugin!


The tester doesn't fully emulate the plugin framework. It simply exercises the IFieldDataPlugin interface and collects the data your plugin tries to append.

  • The AQTS framework will perform extensive validation on the data being appended. But the tester doesn't (and can't) perform any of that validation.

My plugin needs configuration text to work.

Some plugins need to access configuration information that is normally set in the Settings tab of the System Config page, and are retrieved at runtime via the IFieldDataResultsAppender interface.

public interface IFieldDataResultsAppender
    Dictionary<string, string> GetPluginConfigurations();

Any settings matching the Group naming pattern of FieldDataPluginConfig-{PluginName} will be returned by the GetPluginConfigurations() method.

The plugin tester supports the /Setting= option, allowing you to simulate key/value text pairs from the command line, in either a key=text or key=@pathToTextFile format.

  • The /Setting=AssumeUsgsSiteIdentifiers=false option would configure the AquaCalc5000 plugin to disable its default behaviour of adding leading zeros to numeric location identifiers, to match the 8-digit USGS site identifier pattern.
  • The "/Setting=AirTempReadings=@C:\My Configs\AirTemperature.toml" option would configure the Tabular plugin to load the entire C:\My Configs\AirTemperature.toml TOML configuration file into the setting named AirTempReadings.

My plugin seems to run fine in the tester. Why won't my plugin work on AQTS?

When PluginTester says "Yup" but AQTS says "Nope" to a file, usually that means a data validation error. Check the FieldDataPluginFramework.log on your AQTS server for details.

If the log file doesn't contain an explaination why the data won't upload:

  • Use PluginTester /Json=path.json option to save the appended data in JSON format.
  • Send the JSON file to the SupportTeam @ AquaticInformatics and we'll take a deeper look.