Email spoofer by zereza
sudo apt install sendemail
git clone
cd zspoofer
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
You must have an account in
In order to use the script you will need to modify the script and put your sendinblue SMTP API credentials here:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
from termcolor import colored
def main():
print(colored(''' _________ ____ ___ ___ _____
|__ / ___|| _ \ / _ \ / _ \| ___|
/ /\___ \| |_) | | | | | | | |_
/ /_ ___) | __/| |_| | |_| | _|
/____|____/|_| \___/ \___/|_| ''', 'red'))
print(colored("\n\nTool developed by zereza\n\n", 'yellow', attrs=['bold']))
username = "USERNAME FROM SENDINBLUE HERE" // <------------------- HERE
password = "PASSWORD FROM SENDINBLUE HERE" // <------------------- HERE
target = input(colored("The target's email ----> ", 'green'))
name = input(colored("\n\nThe sender's name [OPTIONAL] ----> ", 'green'))
sender = input(colored("\n\nThe sender of the email ----> ", 'green'))
subject = input(colored("\n\nThe email subject ----> ", 'green'))
message = input(colored("\n\nThe email message ----> ", 'green'))
if name == '':
os.system('sendemail -xu \"'+username+'\" -xp \"'+password+'\" -f \"'+sender+'\" -t \"'+target+'\" -u \"'+subject+'\" -m \"'+message+'\" -s "" &>/dev/null')
print(colored('Sent :)', 'yellow'))
os.system('sendemail -xu \"'+username+'\" -xp \"'+password+'\" -f \"'+sender+'\" -t \"'+target+'\" -u \"'+subject+'\" -m \"'+message+'\" -s "" -o message-header="From: '+name+' <'+sender+'>" &>/dev/null')
print(colored('Sent :)', 'yellow'))
if __name__ == '__main__':